- 1.Unmanned aerial system and machine learning driven Digital-Twin framework for in-season cotton growth forecasting published in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
- 2.Unsupervised surface water mapping with airborne LiDAR data by leveraging physical properties of water published in GIScience & Remote Sensing
- 1.Automated Crop Residue Estimation via Unsupervised Techniques Using High-Resolution UAS RGB Imagery published in Remote Sensing
- 2.Vulnerability Heatmapping in Debris Management published in Journal of Management in Engineering
- 3.Kim, Han Sae, Hunsoo Song, and Jinha Jung. “Cadastral-to-Agricultural: A Study on the Feasibility of Using Cadastral Parcels for Agricultural Land Parcel Delineation published in Remote Sensing
- 4.UAV-Based Phenotyping: A Non-Destructive Approach to Studying Wheat Growth Patterns for Crop Improvement and Breeding Programs published in Remote Sensing
- 5.Tree Species Classification from UAV Canopy Images with Deep Learning Models published in Remote Sensing
- 6.Cloud Detection Using a UNet3+ Model with a Hybrid Swin Transformer and EfficientNet (UNet3+ STE) for Very-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery published in Remote Sensing
- 7.Temperature and electric vehicle adoption: A ZIP code-level analysis in the US published in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
- 8.Reshaping landscape factorization through 3D landscape clustering for urban temperature studies published in Sustainable Cities and Society
- 9.Cloud restoration of optical satellite imagery using time-series spectral similarity group published in GIScience & Remote Sensing
- 10.Assessing Huanglongbing Severity and Canopy Parameters of the Huanglongbing-Affected Citrus in Texas Using Unmanned Aerial System-Based Remote Sensing and Machine Learning published in Sensors
- 11.Assessing the Geometric Integrity of Cylindrical Storage Tanks: A Comparative Study Using Static Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Total Station published in Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
- 1.Integrating forest structural diversity measurement into ecological research published in Ecosphere
- 2.A Scalable Method to Improve Large-Scale Lidar Topographic Differencing Results published in Remote Sensing
- 3.An Object-Based Ground Filtering of Airborne LiDAR Data for Large-Area DTM Generation published in Remote Sensing
- 4.Photogrammetric 3D Scanning of Asphalt Cores for Automatic Layer Detection and Gradation Classification published in KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
- 5.Improving Deciduous Forest Inventory Plot Center Measurement Using Unoccupied Aerial Systems Imagery published in Journal of Forestry
- 6.Prediction of Cereal Rye Cover Crop Biomass and Nutrient Accumulation Using Multi-Temporal Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based Visible-Spectrum Vegetation Indices published in Remote Sensing
- 7.Replacement Sensor Model Generation for a Long High-Resolution Satellite Image Strip published in KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
- 8.Unmanned aerial system‐based high‐throughput phenotyping for plant breeding published in The Plant Phenomenon Journal
- 9.Monitoring tar spot disease in corn at different canopy and temporal levels using aerial multispectral imaging and machine learning published in Frontiers in Plant Science
- 10.Engaging Engineering Students with the Stakeholders for Infrastructure Planning published in Buildings
- 11.A Support Vector Machine and Image Processing based Approach for Counting Open Cotton Bolls and Estimating Lint Yield from UAV Imagery published in Smart Agricultural Technology
- 12.An unsupervised, open-source workflow for 2d and 3d building mapping from airborne lidar data published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
- 1.Self-Filtered Learning for Semantic Segmentation of Buildings in Remote Sensing Imagery With Noisy Labels published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
- 2.Multi-temporal orthophoto and digital surface model registration produced from UAV imagery over an agricultural field published in Geocarto International
- 3.An Unsupervised Canopy-to-Root Pathing (UCRP) Tree Segmentation Algorithm for Automatic Forest Mapping published in Remote Sensing
- 4.UAV remote sensing based estimation of green cover during turfgrass establishment published in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
- 5.High-Resolution Canopy Height Model Generation and Validation Using USGS 3DEP LiDAR Data in Indiana, USA published in Remote Sensing
- 6.Cotton row spacing and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle sensors published in Agronomy Journal
- 1.Performance evaluation of parallel structure from motion (SfM) processing with public cloud computing and an on-premise cluster system for UAS images in agriculture published in ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
- 2.Tar Spot Disease Quantification Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Data published in Remote Sensing
- 3.Assessing the Effect of Drought on Winter Wheat Growth Using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)-Based Phenotyping published in Remote Sensing
- 4.Unmanned Aircraft System based High Throughput Phenotyping for Tomato Yield Estimation published in Journal of Sensors
- 5.3D Characterization of Sorghum Panicles Using a 3D Point Cloud Derived from UAV Imagery published in Remote Sensing
- 6.The potential of remote sensing and artificial intelligence as tools to improve the resilience of agriculture production systems published in Current Opinion in Biotechnology
- 1.Comparison of canopy shape and vegetation indices of citrus trees derived from UAV multispectral images for characterization of citrus greening disease published in Remote Sensing
- 2.Developing a machine learning based cotton yield estimation framework using multi-temporal UAS data published in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- 3.Plant Counting of Cotton from UAS Imagery Using Deep Learning-Based Object Detection Framework published in Remote Sensing
- 4.Optimization of UAS-based high-throughput phenotyping to estimate plant health and grain yield in sorghum published in The Plant Phenome Journal
- 5.Assessing winter wheat foliage disease severity using aerial imagery acquired from small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) published in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
- 6.Recent advances in UAS based soil erosion mapping published in Modern Concepts and Developments in Agronomy
- 7.Measurement of Cotton Canopy Temperature Using Radiometric Thermal Sensor Mounted on the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) published in Journal of Sensors
- 8.Unoccupied aerial system enabled functional modeling of maize height reveals dynamic expression of loci published in Plant Direct
- 1.A comparative study of RGB and multispectral sensor based cotton canopy cover modelling using multi-temporal UAS Data published in Remote Sensing
- 2.Effects of highways on bird distribution and soundscape diversity around Aldo Leopold’s shack in Baraboo, Wisconsin, USA published in Landscape and Urban Planning
- 3.Comparison of Vegetation Indices Derived from UAV Data for Tillage Treatment in Agriculture published in Remote Sensing
- 4.Prediction of Maize Grain Yield Before Maturity Using Improved Temporal Height Estimates of Unmanned Aerial Systems published in The Plant Phenomenon Journal
- 5.Developing Growth-Associated Molecular Markers Via High-Throughput Phenotyping in Spinach published in The Plant Genome
- 6.A novel framework to detect conventional tillage and No-tillage cropping system effect on cotton growth and development using multi-temporal UAS data published in ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- 7.Automated Coregistration of Multisensor Orthophotos Generated from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Platforms published in Journal of Sensors
- 8.Validation of agronomic UAV and field measurements for tomato varieties published in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
- 9.Cost-effective framework for rapid underwater mapping with digital imagery and Structure from Motion published in KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
- 1.Automated Open Cotton Boll Detection for Yield Estimation Using Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV) Data, published in Remote Sensing
- 2.Measurement and calibration of plant-height from fixed-wing UAV images published in Sensors
- 3.Estimation of plant health in a sorghum field infected with anthracnose using a fixed-wing unmanned aerial system published in Journal of Crop Improvement
- 4.Unmanned Aerial System assisted framework for the selection of high yielding cotton genotypes published in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
- 5.Soundscapes reveal disturbance impacts: biophonic response to wildfire in the Sonoran Desert Sky Islands published in Landscape Ecology
- 6.Assessing Land Levelling Needs and Performance with UAS published in Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
- 7.Temporal estimates of crop growth in sorghum and maize breeding enabled by Unmanned Aerial Systems published in The Plant Phenome Journal
- 1.Vicarious radiometric calibration of RapidEye satellite image using CASI hyperspectral data published in Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
- 2.Estimation of forest stand diameter class using airborne LiDAR and field data published in Remote Sensing Letters
- 3.LiDARHub: A free and open source software platform for web-based management, visualization and analysis of LiDAR data published in Geosciences Journal
- 1.Ensemble multiple kernel active learning for robust classification of multi-source remote sensing data published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
- 2.A framework for land cover classification using discrete return LiDAR data: Adopting pseudo-waveform and hierarchical segmentation published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
- 1.Mapping vegetation volume in urban environments by fusing LiDAR and multispectral data published in Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
- 2.Modeling acoustic diversity using soundscape recordings and LIDAR-derived metrics of vertical canopy structure in a neotropical rainforest published in Landscape Ecology
- 3.Extraction of Features From LIDAR Waveform Data for Characterizing Forest Structure published in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters